Have you ever wished when you are running a long complicated powershell script that you could make it more annoying.
Well you can.
There is a part of .NET that I have rarely ever had reason to use, as if you are creating an interface and need it to be disability friendly then Windows does all the heavy lifting for you. .NET comes with a speech synthesiser.
All you need to do is add the following lines to the start of your powershell script
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech
$speech=new-object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
The each time you want something to be said you can call either
$speech.Speak("Open the pod bay doors hal")
This will halt the script while the sentence is spoken, or if you prefer an asynchronous version then use this
$speech.SpeakAsync("Set the controls for the heart of the sun")
A simple way to make your powershell scripts either more interesting or more annoying depending on your point of view.
There are other options like changing the age of the voice, or the gender, or even the voice itself and perhaps I might write another article going into things a little more deeply, but for now letting my PC nag me is quite enough.